So, I'm kid free today. Not that my kids are 'kids' anymore, but they'll always be kids to me. Except, of course, for when I want to use the "you're not a kid anymore" quote on them when I'm trying to drive a point in they're too old to do something kid-stupid. Come to think of it, I may recall my dad having said that to me not too many years ago before he passed on. Good thing there isn't a point here or I'd be off of it by now.
I've been spending my summer hitting the job market at a furious rate...and though I've been on several interviews, I'm still unemployed. Seriously, it's gotta be my personality because my job skills are decent. Typing 60 wpm, data entry at 10,000+ kph, not much I can't do really. And yet, I'm drawing zero dollars in every week, which adds up to
nada at month's end. I do get that I've not had an office job (or any job) other than substitute teaching for nearly 10 years, and that doesn't make for a great resume, but I
do make for a great employee. I'm trusting that God's got that perfect job for me and I need to wait on it, it's just that there isn't a line for
trust on my deposit slips for my checking account.
Casey is in Colorado with church camp, Charlie is working his 11 hour days and I'm home, alone, and bored. Really bored. Crazy bored. I did ask Mark if he could get me a job like he did for Charlie, but he said he didn't think I'm quite cut out for it...what with all the digging and jack hammering. I'd like to say he underestimates me, but he's probably right on this one.
As I was backing out of my driveway this morning, taking Charlie to work, I ran over a kids helmet. It was a nice one. First time I backed over it, I got out and looked to see what I'd hit, but didn't see anything. Backed out again, and
geeze, it made a nasty pop. Not pretty. Can't count the times we've had to pick up neighbor's stuff up out of our drive; bikes, skateboards,
roller blades, helmets, bats... I feel really bad for running over it, but it
must've been tossed under the back of the car to where I couldn't see it. Shame.
Still no word from my attorney. Called last Friday, reminding them that I'd not heard from them in a week and still hadn't received my final papers, which I've been waiting on since January...was directed to voicemail and left a message. Called again this past Monday, left another message. It's ridiculous. Wonder if I post their name on here, like I did Christian Brother's Automotive, if I'll get any response. It would be different if it were a contested divorce, but it's not. Mark and I have worked every single thing out on our own without
any one's (or any attorney's) help.
Whine, whine, whine...sorry.
Remember the pictures of the tree damage we had from a few storms ago? Well, we have a crepe myrtle in our front yard (almost share it with a neighbor) that hasn't bloomed in maybe 10 years. It bloomed this year. Had so many blooms that it couldn't hold them all.

We tried roping it up some to keep it off the ground as much as possible...didn't work. Ended up having to take most of it down, only leaving a couple of limbs and we did rope them to keep them growing up straight. If it hadn't been on the sidewalk and blocking our mailbox, I'd have let it be, it was gorgeous. Oh well...maybe next year.
That's about it from
Bratcherville. Keep my job hunt in your prayers, please. Enjoy your day!