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I'm a single mom with two great kids living near Dallas, Texas. This is my life; day to day things that are probably only important to me. This is my record of my ups, my downs and the road that I've taken along the way. For whatever reason YOU'RE here, I hope you find something you can enjoy and/or relate to. God bless.

My Photo
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States

Friday, October 31, 2008

Call Me Crazy

There has been a lot of things going on in our lives lately, and I'll blog about it soon. Just not right now. What I do want to share with y'all is the craziness that is invading my life the last few months. Now, I'm fully aware that by sharing this, some are going to shake their heads and call me crazy. Those who know me will believe me and yet still shake their heads and call me crazy. Doesn't matter, it's all true.

If I remember correctly, I believe the first incident happened about 3 months ago. I was going out to my car one morning to leave for work and saw a huge limb, probably 12 ft long, in the middle of my yard. It had apparently came off of the tree next to my drive and had been drug to the middle of my yard. I went to check out my car to see if it'd been damaged and behind my car was a 3 x 5 ft. pile of sticks and branches. A pile as if it were made for a bonfire or something, perfectly square and about 2 ft. high. I called Charlie because he'd just been picked up about 15 minutes before I'd gone outside by his ride to go to school. He said the limb had been right behind my car and they'd pulled it to the middle of the yard so I could get out of the drive way. I asked him about the pile of wood behind my car and he asked his friend and told me neither one of them had seen anything behind my car. The only thing that had been there was the limb and they'd pulled it to the side. I told Charlie they had to have seen this pile of wood, that it was sitting directly behind my car and was a huge pile of wood. They said the only thing that was behind my car was that huge limb and it had taken the two of them to pull it into the middle of the yard because they knew it had me trapped in my driveway. He said if there had been a pile of wood, they'd have moved it too. This pile behind my car...it was man made...I promise you that.

Okay...I'm making a mountain out of molehill, right?

I started parking my car in the garage because apparently limbs are falling from my tree and arranging themselves in stacks. One morning a couple of Saturdays later, I was going out to my garage to get my car out and as I walked out my front door into my driveway...there sat a toilet. I'll give you a minute to let that soak in. A toilet was sitting in the very middle of my driveway. I kid you not. There wasn't a way I could back my car out of the garage because of this toilet and I had an appointment with my physical therapist for my knee, so I called Charlie who had spent the night with his band mates and asked if he knew when he'd be home so he could help me move a toilet out the driveway. He said 'what'? I told him the story and he didn't believe me. Yeah, I make this sort of stuff up a lot, thank you. No way I was going to move this with my knee, and since he doesn't drive and the guy driving him had gone to pick up someone, he said he'd be home as soon as he could but wasn't sure when. So...I called the city trash pick up. I told them someone had dropped a toilet off in my driveway and I needed it removed. They asked me to repeat it. I told them, again, that I'd gotten up to discover a toilet in the middle of my driveway. When I heard a bit of an echo and then laughter, I realized they had put me on speaker phone. I laughed and said that was very funny, but that the truth was that I had a pt appointment and had to get out of my garage and out of my driveway. They said they'd be by to pick it up. They also called back to make sure it hadn't been a prank call.

A couple of weeks later $40 went missing out my wallet. I tried to justify it by telling myself I'd lost it or something and got $40 more out of the bank because I needed to give Charlie $10 for gas money and that gave me a 20 and a 10. The next day that, too, was missing from my wallet. I was freaking out. All day I tried to figure out what was going on, how could that have happened. Later that night I was telling Charlie about it and he was saying I must've lost it in my bag somewhere. Okay, I do carry large bags, larger than most. I emptied everything out...nothing. Later that night I got my wallet out and was going through it, again, and saw just a bit of a corner of green sticking out from behind my drivers license. I pull out my drivers license and there is my money...folded up tightly into about a 1/2 in by 1/2 inch square. I unfolded it and it's all there. Someone had taken all of my money, and folded it up and hidden it behind my drivers license. I unfolded it and took it to show Charlie. He said I must've done it and forgot about it. Ladies, guys even, how many times have you ever taken money...folded it up unbelievably tight into a square and hidden it behind your license? I've never hidden money period, never had that much to spare to hide. So please, tell me, what's going on??

A few days after that, Charlie had came home from school and let our dogs out, let them back in and left. I was home about an hour later from work and let the dogs out again. When I went to let them back in, they were gone and both of the gates on our fence were open and the locks we'd had on them were gone. They hadn't been secure locks, but they were both gone. Fortunately someone found our dogs and we got them back 24 hours later, and I bought locks with keys for both of the gates. My fence is 6 ft tall. Someone climbed them, took the locks off from the inside and opened both gates. Why?

Twice this month someone has let the air (not all the air, but about 10 lbs) out of different tires on my car. Had them checked, nothing wrong with my tires. If it weren't for the aircheck that comes on in my car, I wouldn't have known.

This past Tuesday I was leaving work and when I opened my car door, there on my black floor mats were two perfect white footprints. Women's footprints. How do I know they were women's? They were pointed toes and extremely narrow heels, looked like pointed toe pumps. I wear size 9 Crocs to work and trust me on this, I was born with wide feet. Plus, there was a part missing from my car. Just one of those little flap covers in the back window that covers the seat release, but still, it was gone. I'd been looking at them a couple of days earlier thinking I needed to figure out how to use those because Charlie and I are moving and I needed to lay those seats down, so I know it was there. Just in case, even though no one ever gets in my back seat, I searched the car. Nowhere. When I got home I told Charlie about it and he insisted on seeing the footprints. You know he thought I was crazy. He looked at them, and said "Mom, someone has been in your car". I showed a lady I worked with, and she, too, said someone had to have been in my car because those prints couldn't belong to me. What I can't figure out (as if there is ONE thing I can't figure out) is what was the white stuff? There is nothing in our parking lot or at my home that is covered in white dust. It's almost as if it were done deliberately because they are perfect, side by side footprints. Not smeared, perfect...and just the two. I stopped by Kia on my way home last night and the parts guy looked at me like I was crazy when I told him my story. He said they'd have to order the part (turns out they had it, how cool is that?) but asked if he could see the prints. Okay. So I took him to look at the prints. He looked at what was left (probably 80% was left) and looked at my feet in Crocs ( hey, I wear scrubs to work!!) and plus the size of my feet and said "Do you lock your car?". Uh, yeah. Every single time. And even if I didn't ONCE, is it possible to believe that that ONE time someone would do this? The part cost me $9.00 and he put it in for me for free and told me to start watching where I park because someone is apparently able to get into my car. Thanks, this I know.

This morning I stumbled out of bed when the alarm went off, took two closed eyed steps into my bathroom and turned on the lights and POW, bright lights, glass shattering and then darkness. I'm still half asleep so I'm thinking I'd knocked over my bedside lamp, only then I realize I'm in my bathroom. I reach around the corner and turn on my bedside lamp, but nothing. I try my wall switch...nothing. I go to the fuse box and flip a switch and go back to see what happened in my bathroom. My overhead light...like a heat lamp light had apparently exploded. The glass covered my bathroom floor, in the shower and around the wall behind where I'd been standing. I am so blessed that nothing hit me, got in my eye or under foot. But still...how often does that happen? I've had the light burn out like normal lights over the years, but what makes a light explode like that? When Charlie got up I told him the strangest thing had happened. He said "Really mom? Stranger than the footprints in your car?" I dunno, you judge Charlie. Later he came out of my bathroom, having decided to check it out for himself and said "That is a little weird, how'd you not get hit?" Don't know...just lucky I guess...with a tad of odd luck thrown in too.

So, tell me...am I crazy?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Such A Dog

I got this from Lynilu . Pretty accurate on my part. If you do it, stop by and let me know. You know we're all dogs at one time or another.

You Are a Bullmastiff

You are confident, reasonable, and very calm. Nothing shakes you up.

It's likely that you were a bit wild when you were younger, but you've gotten that out of your system.

The only time you get aggressive is when someone tries to threaten or harm you in some way.

There's a little bit of wolf underneath all that sheep's clothing!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Takin' my time

Okay, you know me, I'm not one to complain. Oh, hush Katy. Seriously, I don't usually complain, but I'm really starting to take offense at people telling me not to 'give up' or 'there's still hope' in my love life. Really, I'm okay with where I'm at. Just how many times do I have to tell people that I'm not in a hurry?? I know most people my age are married, and in all honesty, I never pictured myself single and dating at this age. Married and dating may have been more my style at one time, but single and dating never really entered my mind. But, here I am, and here is where I'm comfortable. Besides, I've dated a couple of guys, I've 'met' a few guys...and no one has rung my bell. And I want my bell RUNG! :) I've not felt that head over heels feeling in a long, long, long time and I want that feeling again. I'm okay with waiting for it, really.

So you're wanting to know why I'm carrying on, right? C'mon, fess up. Well, let me tell you. I've got every married friend (okay, 'every' is a tad of an exaggeration), even semi-friend, telling me to 'keep the faith', 'don't give up', 'keep looking, there's still hope' and I'm just about ready to revert to language I've not used in over 25 years. *Okay, I just made myself laugh because that's the northerner coming out in me, saying 'I'm just about ready to...' because the Texas way of saying that would be 'I'm fixin' to'.*

But seriously, I'm good. I mean I've got problems that having a spouse would definitely help with...okay, I just made myself laugh again because that could be taken so many ways and they'd all be accurate. Oh, lighten up...I'm human. I know I come off as a saint, but it's just not true. :) But if I were worried or concerned over my not being married, trust me, I could be married. It may be to that toothless guy that lives at the bus stop, but I could be married if that's all I wanted. I kid. But that's not what I want. I want someone who will make my knees go weak just thinking about them. I have had that before and I want it again. I've also settled before and I will not settle again. If that means I wait, then I wait.

When my well meaning friends (and semi-friends) tell me not to give up and go on and on with all their well meaning encouragement, seriously, I'm just about ready to let my tongue go free. Ease up people, I'm not in a rush! I want to d.a.t.e. for awhile...I want to have fun and enjoy the flirting around. I'll get married again, I promise. Just let me find the right guy...my guy. God knows exactly where he is and if I don't go rushing around looking for any guy, I'll find the right guy. So, sit back, relax...enjoy my ride if you want. Trust me, my bell is gonna get rung.